Difficulty: Easy to read, understand, and apply
Age recommendation: Teens and Adults
Pages: 196 (including bibliography)
It has always been concerning to me when sitting in church to see how few representatives of other cultures are present, and very upsetting when they are present, yet go unnoticed or are treated as if they are unwelcome. Certainly racism and "racial" segregation has been a big topic in America, as well as the rest of the world, for the last 50 years. Neighborhoods, cities, and even families are often split over the color of one's skin or their physical appearance. While the root of the problem (as well as all others) comes from sin, this issue has its roots in another place as well, Darwinism. In this extremely easy-to-understand and well-written book, Darwin's Plantation, authors and culture/science-experts, Ken Ham and Dr. A. Charles Ware, have co-labored to pull out the weeds of racism by the roots and to plant new seeds of unity and reconciliation among those who have been hurt by segregation and injustice by revealing what the Bible and science truly tell us about physical differences: they are only skin deep! By going over the biblical accounts of Creation, the Fall, the Flood, and the Tower of Babel, the authors dispel the myth of "races," showing that we are all one race and one blood descended from Adam and Eve, and thus, we are all in need of the Salvation offered through the Blood of the Last Adam, Jesus Christ. Along with this is much scientific evidence in genetics and biology that confirms what God has instructed us to do all along, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7) After finished reading this ground-breaking book, you will have a passion for restoring the broken relationships caused by the lie of evolution and racism.